Kenmore Community Club
Connect in Kenmore
After marathon hearing, council turns down homeless housing project
Adopt-A-Park work party at Wallace Swamp Creek Park, Jan. 6
Kick off the new year: Learn something new at the Kenmore Senior Center
Coloring for adults, Indian cooking, and book discussion at Kenmore Library
Fun and friendship celebrated at annual holiday potluck
Winter training at Kenmore Community Rowing Club
Join us for a holiday potluck and secret Santa gift exchange!
Kenmore CC elects new board of directors
Meet new KCC board member Dave Ahlman and marketing advisor Katie Miller
KCC thanks long-time past president and treasurer David Evans
Kick off holiday festivities with Luminary Walk, Dec. 1
Snow globes, games and Santa photos at Winter Wonderland, Dec. 9
How about a row around the lake for the holidays?
From holiday crafts to wilderness survival Kenmore Library has it all
Don't forget holiday food & toy drive
KCC Board elections Nov. 8
Heritage Society announces 9th annual photo contest winners
Bothell Sons of Norway Holiday Bazaar and bake sale, Nov. 4
Movement and artistry at Kenmore Senior Center in November
Cookbook club explores native American cooking at the Kenmore Library