Kenmore Community Club
Connect in Kenmore
Copperworks Kenmore is now open!
Need help with utility bills or taxes?
Grants for multi-family buildings for EV charging
Nominations for KCC Board open
Cry it out is next AsIf live theater performance at KCC
Heritage Society launched 9th annual photo contest Sept. 30
Kenmore Senior Center offers free seminar on medical cannabis in October
Charcoal art classes lead October programs at the Kenmore Library
Vote By Design–How Do I Choose?
Looking for a scary good time for Halloween?
New bike lanes between Burke Gilman and West Sammamish bridge finished
The Microsoft 5K is back in person!
UnitedHealthcare offers Medicare workshop
Time to get together for a potluck!
Heritage Society launches 9th annual photo contest Sept. 30
Kenmore Community Club receives ARPA grant
Register now for Fly Away 5K, Sept. 10
Painting in the Park, Belly Dancing, more at Kenmore Senior Center in September
September programs at the Kenmore Library
Hundreds join in Kenmore's 25th birthday celebration!