Don't miss the Kenmore Library book sale
Wednesday, July 17, 3-7pm
Description: Shop for gently used books. Proceeds support Kenmore Library programs and events.
Fill a bag for $5, 6-7pm.
The following are programs for Adults and All Ages happening at the Kenmore Library in June.
Kenmore Library, 6531 NE 181st Street, Kenmore, WA, 98028. (425) 486-8747
Reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities is available by request. Email access@kcls.org at least seven days before the event.
Some events require registration. Walk-ins welcome as space allows.

Thursdays, 10am-12pm. No class July 4.
Description: Practice speaking with other English language learners. Learn about American culture and meet people from around the world.

Tuesday, July 2, 4-5:30pm
Description: Play and practice chess! All skill levels are welcome. Ages 9 and older.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Kenmore Library.

Friday, July 12, 2-4pm
Description: Come to the library to create casual art in a relaxed and friendly environment. We will have basic arts supplies, tea and snacks and quiet music. You can also bring your own project to work on!
In July, experiment with Sharpie Tie Dye. Draw colorful designs on a white handkerchief and blur the colors with rubbing alcohol. You may bring fabric of your own to color, too.
Drop in at any time.

Wednesday, July 17, 6:30-7:30pm
Description: In July, we are visiting New England! Due to limited availability of each title, we have two titles to choose from. You may use one or both titles. Please only check out one at a time.
My Vermont Table: Recipes for All (six) Seasons by Gesine Bullock-Prado.
New England Open-house Cookbook: 300 Recipes Inspired by the Bounty of New England by Sarah Leah Chase.
Try making one or more recipes of your choice from this month’s cookbooks! Send a photo of your finished dish to the librarian host along with brief comments about your experience. We cannot share food at these meetings, but we will watch a slide show of our cooking adventures and share successes and failures! New members always welcome. All events are listed here: https://1.kcls.org/CookbookBkGrp

Friday, July 26, 2-3:30pm
Description: “The Dutch House” by Ann Patchett. New members always welcome.
Please register to receive discussion questions. If you register, you will be emailed a link the day before the program, so that you can attend online if you wish. Register for each session that you wish to attend. Walk-ins welcome. All events are listed here: https://1.kcls.org/KMBookGroup