Sound Transit has broken ground and begun site clearing for two light rail stations to serve Shoreline.
Shoreline South is located just northeast of I-5 at Northeast 145th Street, the elevated Shoreline South/145th Station connects to new Sound Transit SR 522/NE 145th Bus Rapid Transit service, which also starts in 2024. A parking garage with approximately 500 new spaces is part of the project.
Shoreline North is located on the east side of I-5, at N. 185th and 5th Ave NE. The station serves Shoreline Stadium, the Shoreline Conference Center and the surrounding neighborhoods. Improved pedestrian pathways connect the station to the west side of I-5. A parking garage with approximately 500 new spaces is part of the project.
Time to downtown is estimated to be 20 minutes, the Rapid Ride bus service for Northshore communities will link to the light rail station and Downtown Bellevue. Time from the North station to Bellevue is expected to be 42 minutes.