Here's your chance to learn birding at the Kenmore Senior Center

Kenmore Nature Walk using the phone app eBird Join others for a bird walk along the Sammamish Slough Tuesday, Sept. 3, 10:00am – 11:00am
Nature walks occur Weekly on Tuesdays, the cost is Free. Check in at cottage prior to walk and/or for help to download eBird app.
Ongoing activities at the Kenmore Senior Center

Pickleball Open Play
Daily 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Rhododendron Park, 6910 NE 170th St, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA
punch card required, check in at cottage prior to play
Equipment provided, or bring your own net/equipment

Kenmore In Stitches Fridays 10:00am – 12:00pm Weekly on Fridays Description: FREE! It's an old-fashioned sewing club! Want to learn to sew? Already experienced? Join us as we start with the basics of machine sewing. Simple projects will build your confidence and open up a world of creativity. Bring your portable sewing machine and your enthusiasm. Experienced sewers welcome as facilitators. Fabrics & supplies provided.
Tabletop Games Fridays beginning Sept. 6, 2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Enjoy learning a variety of new games that encourage strategy and different thinking styles. We will also have some familiar board games available for those that want to enjoy "the classics".
Facilitator: Jenny Sayward
Tone-up Mondays 11am to noon
Emphasis on gentle exercise to help with flexibility and balance. Simple, fun and healthy. $15 member/$30 nonmember, per month
Instructor: Mary Ann Draye, RN, ARNP

Qi-Gong – Wednesdays 11am-Noon
"Chee-Kung" is an ancient Chinese exercise using Posture, Movement, Deep Breathing and Conscious Intent to move life energy through your body. Sit or stand for this self-healing gentle exercise. Easy, yet powerful. You can do it. Open to the community. Advanced registration is required. Dress for the weather as many classes will be in the fresh air.
Certified Instructor: Patricia Wagner
Free to members/$10 to nonmembers, per month
Call Kenmore front desk, 425-489-0707 to register
Card games

Bridge, Mon. and Wednesdays 12pm to 3pm
Pinochle, Hand & Foot, Fridays 12:30pm to 3pm
Watercolor, Sketch/Draw Wednesdays 1pm to 3pm
Learn the basics for creating an outstanding painting in watercolor. Projects will emphasize the use of color, value, line and composition. Instruction of special techniques will be offered to enhance work produced each week. Beginners welcome! $28 member/$56 nonmember
Food distribution every week: 1st/3rd Tuesdays – Hopelink Mobile Food Market in the parking lot 1-2pm 2nd/4th Wednesdays – Community Food Bank, 12:30-2:30 pm at the Kenmore Senior Center.
Your Northshore Senior Center membership of $48/year provides access to all 3 locations, Bothell, Kenmore and Mill Creek! Member benefits include many free and reduced-price clubs, classes and fitness programs. Call 425.489.0707 or stop by our little cottage in Rhododendron Park Mon-Fri, 9am-3pm to pick up a schedule, sign up for a class and stay for a cup of coffee.