The Feb. 5 pop-up Covid-19 vaccination clinic, held at the Kenmore Community Club, proved to be our most popular such community service event with 97 people baring their shoulders to get vaccinated or boosted. That number far exceeded earlier clinics last May by more than 30 vaccinations.
Of the 97 doses given, 16 kids received their first dose, with another 18 received their second dose. Among adults 58 received their booster dose.
Kenmore Community Club president Michael O'Leary added special thanks to David and Avery Evans, Captain Gabe DeBay, Medical Services Officer (MSO) Shoreline Fire Department, and Chief Todd Wollum Division Chief of EMS, Shoreline Fire Department, and a special thanks to Kenmore Councilmember Corina Pfeil who not only provided promotional support in English and Spanish, but also was in-person helping with the clinic.
"We were happy to see so many youth 12 and up, and our Hispanic neighbors," said KCC president O'Leary. "As the club moves closer to becoming a 501c3 organization, we hope to provide more community service events such as these clinics. We are very appreciative of the support of the city of Kenmore, Northshore Fire District, and Kenmore club volunteers, especially the support of Councilmember Corina Pfeil."
The event was hosted by the Kenmore Community Club, 7304 NE 175th ST, Kenmore. Club members are encouraged to volunteer at such community service events. Contact Michael O'Leary to volunteer.