Building a better, more equitable Kenmore community
With the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter converging on us at the same time, it is clear we are living in one of those historic periods that shift our way of living in society.
Both events have left many of us asking what can we do to get on board the "Change Train?" In response, Kenmore Community Board Member Fernell Miller, Education Activist for Racial Equity, Inclusion-Identity Education Educator and long-time Kenmore resident and teacher, compiled a list of 10 things anyone can do to participate, be heard and actively contribute to the change.
Ms. Fernell recently launched her diversity, equity and inclusion consultancy called The Root of Us, which aims to help youth, mentors, educators and community members acquire the tools, skills and strategies necessary for building more equitable and inclusive communities one root at a time.
The key is to do something positive to actively help make our community a better place to live for all.
by Fernell Miller
TEN ways to Participate, Protest and Demonstrate by Educating and Advocating everyDAY!
Start with this CHECKLIST - Complete and Invite more "Roots" to connect with us!
*Before you start, always check in with yourself. Check in your own BODY (physical needs) SPIRIT (intentions or capacity around engaging) and your MIND (thoughtful intentional daily practices and internal work around Race/ism, Systemic Racism and White Supremacy Culture) before you engage.
1. VISIT The Root Of Us and breathe . . . relax and soak up knowledge, inspiration, validation and wisdom to carry forward. We always start with inner-work before educating or advising others. Browse the Blogs and let me know when I can feature yours!
3. LISTEN Town Hall Series: The Washington State Indivisible Podcast Washington Superintendent of Public Education, Chris Reykdal
4. TAKE the Surveys - (Student/Parent/Staff) Share with your family and don't hold back!
Due July 15th Your voices are going to Washington State on JULY 21, 2020 AT 11:00AM (PST)
5. SIGN the Petition - Created by Alyssa Sutherland to our Superintendent and School Board. Addressing our lacking education system around Race/ism, Systemic Racism and Ethnic Studies.
6. JOIN GrassRoots NSD: Meets every 3rd Thursday each Month - ZOOM Link to 6:30 NSD Grassroots Meeting - 3rd-THURSDAY-Month
Get Organized - Sign up for one of the 5 Grassroots Committee (Name, email, # and ROLE to focus on)
#1-Student Activists, #2-Parent Activist, #3-School Staff Activists, #4-Administration Activists, #5-Community Activists
7. MARCH - Virtual Rally on Washington State - OUR FUTURE COMES FIRST - JULY 21, 2020 AT 11:00AM (PST)
8. SPEAK UP - If you'd like to attend Zoom meetings, please email me asap! Your VOICE will be CENTERED. Email Seattle Times - Katherine Long at to share your ideas on ways to make education more equitable.
9. JOIN our FB group Washington ROOTS Watch the March FOR OUR LIVES in NSD and get caught up on the latest information, classes and action to get involved in!
10. BONUS Job Opportunity - Heartwood Summer Program Application
“It is the number one job of every adult to be a mirror to reflect the beauty and talents of the young people who come across our paths.” - Erin Jones (listen and catch up on her FB )