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Members vote for reshuffled board

For the first time since closing due to Covid-19, the Kenmore Community Club held a true potluck at the club's hall on Nov. 17, 2021, sharing a table full of chicken, salads, deviled eggs and more. Understandably, attendance did not match that of pre-covid potlucks, still it was great to see each other face-to-face and share a meal together.

After everyone had eaten, 12 members, eight in person and four online voted for a new board of directors. As a result of term limits contained in the constitution passed by members Oct. 15, 2020, for the first time in seven years, the club has a new president and treasurer as David Evans, president since 2015, and Kathi Straw, treasurer since at least 2012, could not run for their previous positions again.

During the meeting, member John Hendrickson nominated David for secretary and Kathi as treasurer. David declined the nomination and instead opted to remain on the ballot for treasurer, while Kathi accepted the nomination putting her on the ballot for both treasurer and trustee.

Following remarks from the candidates the members elected:

  • Michael O'Leary, President (1 year term)

  • Omur Muhittinoglu, Vice President (1 year term)

  • Will French, Secretary (1 year term)

  • David Evans, Treasurer (1 year term)

  • Kathi Straw and Nick Freeman Trustees

Many thanks to Bharati Khandekar who ran the election, she and Fernell Miller will also continue as Trustees.

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