Join the celebration at Pint Night at Cairn Brewing, March 31, 4-9pm
The Kenmore Rowing Club will now be known as Kenmore Community Rowing Club. The organization's Board voted to update its name to reflect the community aspect of the club.
"We strive to be a supportive organization, welcoming to any members of our surrounding community who want to row," explains Allison Anderson, Board Chair. "Whether you are an experienced rower, or new to the sport and interested in trying it out, you are a part of our community. Our mission is to make rowing accessible to people who live at the north end of Lake Washington and community is a key element of that mission. We want our club name to reflect that mission."
It's been year of major advances for the club, which moved into the Kenmore Public Boathouse last June, which It shares with the Northshore School District High School rowing teams, Coree Naslund joined the club in January as the Operations and Programming Manager. So the name change is intended to reflect the growing impact of the club in the Kenmore Community.
To celebrate. the club is inviting the Kenmore Community to join them in celebrating its new name at Cairn Brewing, Thursday, March 31 from 4-9pm for Community Pint Night. Cairn Brewing will donate 10% of the evening's sales to KCRC. Join the crew that will be there to share information about rowing with our club- including summer camps. Enjoy a brew and an evening with KCRC teammates and fans.
Source: KCRC press release