Due to the pandemic, there have been delays in bridge construction that will impact the completion. That means had choices for traffic revisions.
On Aug. 3, the Kenmore City Council will meet to discuss the choices facing city residents.
Move all traffic north and southbound to the north bridge for an additional 10 months OR
Delay construction for another year at a cost of $2.5 million to allow maintaining north and southbound traffic on both bridges.
A virtual public meeting to hear about the change is scheduled for Aug. 3. To attend citizens can receive an invitation at the meeting webpage. Or email John Vicente.
With in-water work for the replacement bridge across the Sammamish River,
Boat traffic underneath the bridge will temporarily be closed for 15-minute periods in coordination with the U.S. Coast Guard.
During popular community events the City will continue to work with the U.S. Coast Guard to determine how to best accommodate access.
In addition, regular lane closures will occur Monday through Saturday and potentially 24/7 during the summer months. When closure of all southbound lanes on the existing bridge is required, southbound traffic will be rerouted to the northbound bridge with one lane operating in each direction.
Take it slow and obey the 25 mph speed limit through the construction zone and be patient.