If you need volunteer hours for school or to remain a Kenmore Community Club member in good standing, here are upcoming Volunteer Opportunities in Kenmore:
Saturday Aug. 17, 10a-12p – Yard weeding and cleanup at Kenmore Community Club, includes light weeding of planter beds and backyard, parking lot cleanup and window washing.
Saturday, Aug. 10, 9:30-1:30PM – Kenmore Play Day - set up, sit at the KCRC table, demo the erg, talk rowing, sign people up for our email list. Email volunteers@kenmorerowing.org to sign up. Location: Rhododendron Park.
Wednesday, Aug. 14, 7:30-9:30PM – Movies @ the Square - the Boys in the Boat - set up, sit at the KCRC table, demo the erg, talk rowing, sign people up for our email list. Email volunteers@kenmorerowing.org to sign up. Location: Kenmore Town Square.
Saturday, Aug. 24, 9-12 – Help out at the Kenmore Quad Event (see above) - various volunteer roles, sign up via the website before July 31st. Location: Log Boom and surrounding areas.