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Work on ƛ a̕ x̌ w a d i s (pronounced Tl’ awh-ah-dees) park is progressing

Formerly called Squire's Landing, the latest addition to Kenmore's waterfront parks is really beginning to take shape. The Waterfront & Natural Open Space Access Project at

ƛ a̕ x̌ w a d is Park includes re-establishing native plants throughout the riparian (wetlands) and upland areas of the site that will improve habitat for fish and wildlife.

Work will continue through mid to late spring 2023 and a park opening and ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for May 2023.

The new park improvements include: • Fish and wildlife habitat restoration • New docks for kayaks and canoes • Community gathering plaza and picnic shelter • Elevated boardwalks, bridges and viewing decks with art

• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible pathways • Parking lot and restroom • Watercraft wash-down station

This 6-acre project, made possible by the 2016 voter-approved Walkways and Waterways bond measure, is a public water access, park infrastructure improvement, and habitat enhancement project, which will preserve and enhance ecological functions of existing wetlands and their buffers, enhance habitat along the shoreline of Swamp Creek, and create new wetlands, while still providing improvements for public access. Visit the project website for up-to-date information on project progress and the anticipated opening dates.

Source: Kenmore City News

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